Princess Cake

Salam. This cake is ordered by my old friend from UKM, Awa (Salwa Hamzah) for her daughter - Nur Alyaa Irdina. Actually she booked with me for Irdina's birthday few months back but she only confirmed with me 3 days ago. It was a very short notice and coincidently I was busy with Kelly's order so I only manage to do this simple cake. Anyway, thanks Awa! Jangan serik order lagi ye?!...hehehe

Orange Sponge Cake - 1kg - RM40
Edible Image - 1 sheet - RM25


  1. Thanks Farah..dtg jauh2 hantar kat aku...Irdina was so happy...

    My hubby puji kek ni sedap..aku tak sempat rasa sebab masih berpuasa..

    Aku ni nak booking kek Mickey Mouse untuk Nur Hana Amani pulak bulan Disember nih...17/12/2009..hehe biasa dulu...senang ko cari design2 berkaitan..+ cupcakes...

  2. eeiii...birthday dia sama ngan kita lerr...17/12
