Jalan Sesame

Salam. One day before I was admitted to hospital I managed to complete order from Ellisa. She asked me to do 100 cuppies for her daughter's farewell party.

Fancy Cookies

This is my first time doing the fancy cookies and I've been waiting to do so when Ellisa asked me. Without thinking I just yes and this is the outcome but I'm not really satisfied with it. Anyway, thanks to Ellisa for giving me the opportunities and tak banyak songeh! ; )

3rd Time

Salam. This week I only have two orders - 1oo cuppies and 30 fancy cookies. The cuppies ordered by Zimah's friend's friend (so confusing...?!). She ordered 4 sets of cuppies. One for the Daddy - with MU logos, 2 sets for the son and another set I'm not sure for whom but her name is Sarah and she celebrates her 17th birthday. This is my third time decorate cuppies with balls theme and I am so expert with it! (perasan) and flowerish design for Sarah. Actually there is a photo attached for the design and I want to apologize to the owner (I don't know who) for using her design without permission but I didn't follow exactly 100%. Anyway, layan je lah...

At first I forgot to put "is" and "th" in Sarah's set but luckily there's two more choc flavour cuppies

Akak, kwn sy yg order tu ckp cupcake tu menjadi perhatian, cantik n sedap.

I Love you...

Salam. Seems like Edayuni is my most active sales agent for my business as for this is another order from her for her officemate. She asked me to do something lovey dovey to celebrate anniversary of Syahir Afzan & Noorhafizah. All the designs are inspired by Rani Changlun and Anna Putrajaya. Thank you very much to both of them. Their works amazed me and I like to visit their blogs mostly everyday.