Pot Luck!

This is ordered by Aral (Edayuni's boyfriend) for his office's pot luck.

Long Time Friend

Salam. This is an order from my long time friend - Adib for his wife's (Hana) grandmother. The cuppies are for the family members whose birthday are in June and July. The design is as requsted by Hana. The cake is for Hana's grandmother who celebrate her 82nd birthday. Hana wants me to write "semoga Panjang Umur" in "Jawi" writing. Actually my writing in "Jawi" is not that good but I want to try it and see what it is look like.

Happy Father's Day

This is ordered by Ellisa for her hubby and father in law from her two daughters. Actually the cuppies are xs size. Then, she asked me to write Happy Father's Day Papa & Tok Wan U both are the best - one alphabet on each cuppies. I've tried but then I think it's not really nice because the space are limited.


Salam. This is only a simple cake I baked for my hubby because today is his birthday. The cake is small because there's only two of us in the house so no need larger size. This is only for an example if anyone interested and of course I will make better than this one.

Simple Way Making Fondant Roses

Salam. Today I found the easiest way to do the fondant roses because all this while I used the 5 petals cutter and for me it is hard to get the roses I want. Anyway, I still have to practice to make it looks better...


Salam. This one is ordered by Saliha - Edayuni's officemate. I'm not sure whose birthday but his name is Izham...
Thanks Saliha - for ur order and credit also given to Edayuni...

Happy 3rd Anniversary

Salam. This is ordered by Yati for her hubby - Mr. Akel on their third anniversary. Yati just gave birth to their 2nd daughter on 31st May 2009. Congratulation to both of you - for the new born baby and your anniversary. Hope happiness will always be with you till the end....insya-Allah...
Anyway thank you for the order and the thank you also goes to Ayeen!... : )

Carrot Cake

Salam. This is ordered by Tengku Fadia. She's going back to Kuantan for her bestfriend's wedding. This is her favourite cake and mine too! (one of...)..hihihi...

Carrot Cake (1 kg) + Cream Cheese Frosting = RM60

New House

Salam. This is ordered by Danial (my manager). He wants to celebrate moving to a new house somewhere in Rawang. His parents come all the way from Sarawak. It is also his father's birthday so he celebrates both occasions with blueberry cheesecake...

Repeat order from Edayuni

Salam. This is repeat order from Edayuni but this time with chocolate flavour. Simple design because there is no celebration, just want to "makan-makan".

Loves, Azie & Fie

Salam. This is a last minute order from Edayuni too. One of her friends ask for a set of cupcakes with beige and green colour. Because of the time constraints, this is the only colour I can come out with...

Order from Miss Edayuni

Salam. These 2 orders are from Miss Edayuni. One set of 25 cuppies for her officemate's to "makan-makan" sempena her daughter's birthday. Another set of 16 cuppies for farewell party - according to Eda. Who's leaving - I don't know..hehehe...But this time I'm not really satisfied with my work because it looks "comot". Well, so sorry for my weaknesses and hope "tak serik" to order again.

This is set of 25 cuppies

This is set of 16 cuppies...